Vol. 86 (2022): Food lokal/global in Bewegung: Politiken und Praktiken

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Food and nutrition are closely interwoven with lifestyles, cultural practices, consumption habits, and ideas of healthy and unhealthy living. At the same time, the handling of food, its production, processing, marketing, but also its consumption in a globalized world harbour political conflict potential. The social and cultural science analysis of food, nutrition and eating presented here is based on a transdisciplinary approach and focuses on food policies and practices. The area of food policies refers to policies and the (local) responses to the outlined global agrarian and financial economic problems in connection with diets and food as well as food production and trade. The Food Practices thematic block analyses and discusses local food and nutrition practices, in which global practices, policies and challenges, triggered not least by the Covid-19 pandemic, are reflected. Overall, the contributions show the breadth of the topic of food and the productivity of transdisciplinary research, through which tensions between the valorization of food and nutrition in the web of global and local practices and policies can be made visible and addressed.

Published: 2022-04-07