Elemental Solidarity

SF stories from the Floating University, Berlin


  • Merle Quade Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
  • Sarah Coordes Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
  • Nina Schäfer Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin




More-than-Human, care and attentiveness, Temporalities, urban soils, SF writing, Multispecies Ethnography, Berlin


The following article makes a claim for a way of thinking that considers the entangled web of living and non-living facing the challenges of the anthropocene. More specifically, it considers urban soil life as a matter of care and a matter of of representation. Inspired by the work of e.g. Haraway and Puig de la Bellacasa, and taking an interdisciplinary approach between physical and human geography, as well as gender studies, this article aims to point out the (im)possibility of gaps in the (re)production of scientific knowledge. It does so by focusing on science fiction stories, thus opening up a space for thinking care politically by imagining (im)possible futures set in the area of the Floating University in Berlin.




How to Cite

Quade, M., Coordes, S., & Schäfer, N. (2024). Elemental Solidarity: SF stories from the Floating University, Berlin. Berliner Blätter, 87, 51–62. https://doi.org/10.18452/28584