Vol. 84 (2021): Ecological Ontologies - Approaching Human-Environmental Engagements
This issue explores multiple worlds and the multifarious being and becoming of and in worlds, revealing ecological moments of engagement with the environment to scrutinize power dimensions, structural inequalities, and interpretational sovereignty over knowledge production and the constitution and forming of worlds. It brings together ethnographic contributions from anthropology and STS that critically elaborate on a concept of the environment as deeply entangled with multiple ways of being within plural temporalities in multiple localities. In doing so, the contributions urge us to pay attention to a relational otherwise that pivots in transversal (research-)fields to hint at ways to rebel against ontonorms and to intervene politically in predominant human-environment relationships.
The editors introduce their new volume in an interview with Jonas Wahmkow from the institute for european ethnology: https://rs.cms.hu-berlin.de/ceda/pages/view.php?ref=92&k=d4ca6165c7